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Landon Davis
Landon Davis

Egyptian Book Of The Dead Audiobook Free Download \/\/TOP\\\\

Love this book the info on how they treated there dead was very lovingly and caring very humane this book i read all the time just for lonliness and pray for my relatives past away. this is very good of u to allow ppl to download Thank You for being considerate

egyptian book of the dead audiobook free download

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This papyrus is long known as the standard version of The Egyptian Book of the Dead. The Egyptians believed in an afterlife and this book served these beliefs for more than 3000 years. It provides instructions for the souls that pass on and enter into the Land of the Gods, while also covering detailed rituals to be performed for the dead. The Papyrus of Ani was purchased for the British Museum in 1888 by E. A. Wallis Budge, who also became its' translator. It was discovered near Luxor in an 18th Dynasty tomb, written as a copy in about 1500 BC for the Royal Scribe of Thebes, Ani. Chapters have been found carved on the walls of the pyramid from the earlier 5th Dynasty, on the walls of ancient tombs, painted on mummy cases, and written on papyrus throughout Egypt's long history. Budge described this particular text as being "the largest roll of papyrus I had ever seen, tied with a thick band of papyrus, and in a perfect state of preservation." It turned out to be 78 feet in length, with 37 separations according to topic and chapter divisions. This book is a copy of that scroll, with a running English translation. It is unquestionably the most important text of ancient Egypt, meant to insure the spiritual welfare of everyone who passes on and enters their future life.

Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors is also available as an audiobook read by the expressive, articulate voice of Sonya Shafer. Now you can assign your children to listen to a chapter while you work on other things, or just give your reading voice a rest and enjoy having someone else pronounce those difficult ancient names! This 285-minute recording is available as an audio download. (Order above.)

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Audible is not free with an Amazon Prime membership. However, if you choose to get a free trial of Audible Premium Plus then you get to select 2 audiobooks to keep instead of just one!

With this section, you can create your own groups of audiobooks. This makes it really easy to keep track and listen to just what you want to at the right time. This makes finding books a lot easier, and sharing some of your favorites with others, too! I also really like that it makes it possible for me to split up the fiction and non-fiction books that I listen to.

All options include a 30-day free trial. If you get Premium Plus, that means you get one audiobook for free plus the ability to listen to all those Audible Originals and more. And if you have an Amazon Prime subscription, you can even get two premium titles as part of a Premium Plus free trial!

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