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Timofey Odintsov
Timofey Odintsov

Where To Buy Yield Penetrating Oil

Recent studies indicate that the Piceance Basin in northwestern Colorado contains over 1.5 trillion barrels of oil in place, making the basin the largest known oil-shale deposit in the world. Previously published histograms display oil-yield variations with depth and widely correlate rich and lean oil-shale beds and zones throughout the basin. Histograms in this report display oil-yield data plotted alongside either water-yield or oil specific-gravity data. Fischer assay analyses of core and cutting samples collected from exploration drill holes penetrating the Eocene Green River Formation in the Piceance Basin can aid in determining the origins of those deposits, as well as estimating the amount of organic matter, halite, nahcolite, and water-bearing minerals. This report focuses only on the oil yield plotted against water yield and oil specific gravity.

where to buy yield penetrating oil

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Pure tung oil is considered a drying oil much like linseed, safflower, poppy and soybean oil and is known to have a slightly golden tint. Tung oil, which is actually a vegetable oil, is considered the best penetrating drying oil available due to its unique ability to wet the surface, allowing it to penetrate even the densest woods. Unlike linseed oil, it will not darken with age.

Microchannel (MC) emulsification is a novel technique for preparing monodispersed emulsions. This study demonstrates preparing water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) emulsions using MC emulsification. The W/O/W emulsions were prepared by a two-step emulsification process employing MC emulsification as the second step. We investigated the behavior of internal water droplets penetrating the MCs. Using decane, ethyl oleate, and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) as oil phases, we observed successful MC emulsification and prepared monodispersed oil droplets that contained small water droplets. MC emulsification was possible using triolein as the oil phase, but polydispersed oil droplets were formed from some of the channels. No leakage of the internal water phase was observed during the MC emulsification process. The internal water droplets penetrated the MC without disruption, even though the internal water droplets were larger than the resulting W/O/W emulsion droplets. The W/O/W emulsion entrapment yield was measured fluorometrically and found to be 91%. The mild action of droplet formation based on spontaneous transformation led to a high entrapment yield during MC emulsification.

An earth-penetrating weapon (EPW) is designed to hit the earth at high speed and penetrate into the ground before exploding. Such weapons can be delivered by short-range missiles or aircraft, and are intended primarily to attack underground targets.

Even a short penetration distance accomplishes this goal of "coupling" the energy of the explosion to the ground: penetration of a few meters increases the underground destructive effects by more than a factor of twenty for a wide range of warhead yields. For example, exploding a 10-kiloton nuclear weapon at a depth of one meter would increase the effective yield by a factor of 20, resulting in underground damage equivalent to that of a 200-kiloton weapon exploded at the surface of the ground. But increasing the penetration depth to five meters would only increase the effective yield by an additional 60%, to 320 kilotons.

Radioactive Fallout from a Nuclear EPWA commonly held fallacy is that an earth-penetrating nuclear weapon can penetrate deep enough so that the nuclear explosion and radiation is contained underground. This is not the case.

Moreover, even if sufficient penetration depths could be achieved, the explosion would still not be contained since penetrating the earth (rather than burying an explosive) creates an open shaft through which radiation would leak to the surface.

The United States currently deploys both conventional and nuclear earth-penetrating weapons. The two largest conventional EPWs (called GBU-28 and GBU-37) use the same body but different guidance systems.8 The bodies are long tubes, a third of a meter (14.5 inches) in diameter and four meters (12.8 feet) long, that weigh over two tons and contain nearly 300 kilograms (630 pounds) of high explosive. Both are dropped from aircraft, and tests have shown they can penetrate six meters of concrete or 30 meters of earth. The GBU-28 is laser guided and the GBU-37 is guided by the Global Positioning System, which reportedly makes it more accurate than the GBU-28 and allows it to operate under all weather conditions. Very high accuracy increases the ability of these weapons to destroy shallow hardened targets with known locations (such as missile silos) but not deeply buried targets.9

For a penetration depth of three meters and a yield of 0.3 kilotons, the B61-11 could destroy a target buried under roughly 15 meters of hard rock or concrete. For the same penetration depth and the maximum yield of 340 kilotons, the destruction depth would be roughly 70 meters for a hardened target.14

In principle, a new nuclear EPW that has a greater capability to destroy deep, hardened targets than does the B61-11 could be achieved by increasing the penetration depth and/or the explosive yield. However, while a new penetrator design could increase the penetration depth somewhat, the above discussion shows that it is very unlikely that the penetration depth could be increased enough to result in a significant increase in the destructive capability of the weapon. Instead, increasing destructive capability significantly would require increasing the yield of the nuclear warhead. This appears to be what the Bush administration has in mind.

A US decision to develop new nuclear earth-penetrating weapons would have several negative political implications internationally. First, such weapons are explicitly designed to be more "usable" and to be used in what would otherwise be a non-nuclear conflict. As a result, they blur the line between conventional and nuclear weapons and lower the threshold for nuclear use. Second, by contravening US pledges under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) not to target non-nuclear weapon states with nuclear weapons, such weapons undermine the non-proliferation regime.

Lowering the Threshold for Nuclear UseThe Bush administration's Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), which was completed in 2002, explicitly calls for US nuclear weapons to deter and respond to a "wide range of threats," including attacks by conventional, chemical, or biological weapons as well as "surprising military developments."19 In keeping with its stated interest in increasing the roles for US nuclear weapons, the NPR also calls for "improved earth penetrating weapons (EPWs) to counter the increased use by potential adversaries of hardened and deeply buried facilities." While the United States has never forsworn the first use of nuclear weapons, the Bush NPR carries this policy further and makes it more explicit. The proposed study of the new Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator would be part of this effort to increase US nuclear attack options and capabilities.

Pioneer Natural Resources Company (NYSE:PXD) is one of the largest independent exploration & production companies in the United States. Every company in the energy industry has certainly given investors a wild ride over the past few years as the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic collapsed energy prices and with them the share prices of most of these firms. As we all know though, energy prices have since rebounded and Pioneer Natural Resources has certainly not been left out as its share price is up 55.29% over the past year. The company has profited from the surge in energy prices in many other ways too as the company's free cash flow has surged over the past eighteen months, which has allowed the company to reward its shareholders with a very large dividend. Indeed, the company yields a very attractive 13.32% at the current price. There are signs that this could be just the beginning though as the forward fundamentals for the traditional energy industry are quite strong, yet Pioneer Natural Resources' stock price still looks to be incredibly cheap. Overall, this looks like a very attractive opportunity for any investor today.

At Energy Profits in Dividends, we seek to generate a 7%+ income yield by investing in a portfolio of energy stocks while minimizing our risk of principal loss. By subscribing, you will get access to our best ideas earlier than they are released to the general public (and many of them are not released at all) as well as far more in-depth research than we make available to everybody. In addition, all subscribers can read any of my work without a subscription to Seeking Alpha Premium!

A deep drill can mine ore deposits found by ground-penetrating scanner. Otherwise, drills default to producing stone chunks from the map's available stone types. Drills placed on ice, predominantly found in the ice sheet and sea ice biomes, will not produce stone chunks, though ore deposits can be scanned, accessed, and mined as usual.

A ground-penetrating scanner can be used to create ore deposits. Deep drills will mine ore deposits in a 2-tile radius, or 5-tile diameter. While drills can't be placed in water, walls, or other invalid terrain, a nearby drill can still mine ores within those tiles.

The drill's inspection pane shows what resource is below (gold, plasteel, silver, steel, uranium, or jade). Cells will turn from green to yellow and then blank as they are depleted. Each cell contains a total of 300 resources, but the actual number obtained depends on the miner's mining yield, so the values may be slightly lower. When the drill runs out of ores, the building is automatically forbidden, though you can unforbid it to mine stone chunks as usual.

When combined with ground-penetrating scanners, deep drills are a vast and valuable source of metals. These minerals often limit a colony when it comes to ship building or general advancement. A ground-penetrating scanner can find an infinite amount of veins over time, meaning you don't have to leave your colony or rely on trade to get them. Due to how slow drilling is, you may want to place multiple drills when mining for ore deposits. 041b061a72


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