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Ivan Fadeev
Ivan Fadeev

Clinical Hematology-Theory And Procedures, 5th ... [WORK]

Medical Technology is a combined study of chemistry, physiology and microbiology. A medical technologist is capable of performing, under the supervision of a pathologist or other qualified physician or laboratory director, the various chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic and other medical laboratory procedures used in the diagnosis, study and treatment of disease. Medical technologists are in demand in hospital laboratories, physicians offices, research institutions and in federal and state health departments. Although certification is essential for clinical practice, persons receiving a B.S. in Medical Technology also are qualified bacteriologists and can obtain positions in many laboratories as technicians. The degree also is an excellent foundation for those students planning to go on to professional schools in the health sciences or graduate school in the molecular biosciences.

Clinical Hematology-Theory and Procedures, 5th ...

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Four years are required to earn the degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology. The first two years are devoted to the development of a sound foundation in chemistry and biology. The last two years are designed to develop efficiency in the fields of microbiology and clinical methods. The student is encouraged to obtain an understanding of social science and cultural subjects.

To be certified by the Board of Registry a student, after satisfying the minimum course requirements, serves a clinical internship of at least 12 consecutive months in an approved school of medical technology endorsed by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) and American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) of the American Medical Association. Schools of medical technology are located in every state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Canal Zone. After completing the internship and passing the Registry examination, the student receives a diploma from the Board of Registry with the professional designation of Medical Technologist M.T. SCP).

Option A is a 4+1 curriculum in which the student completes the bachelor's degree and applies for a clinical internship only if desired. Student who choose the 4+1 curriculum have the option to do a clinical internship at our affiliate by applying the fall of their senior year at UM. Details and application forms can be obtained online at the following website address: Internship applications are due by October 22 for enrollment the following May.

Option B is a 3+1 curriculum designed to fast-track students who definitely wish to become practicing medical technologists. The first three years of the 3+1 curriculum are completed at UM, while the fourth year is more applied and incorporates both classroom learning and a clinical internship at our medical school affiliate (University of North Dakota) in cooperation with clinical sites located in Montana and the Midwest. The degree and certification are granted after successful completion of the fourth year.

U 461 Clinical Chemistry Theory 2 cr. Offered summer. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. Overview of clinical chemistry theory, principles, procedures, and correlations. Topics include instrumentation, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, enzymes, liver function, blood gases, electrolytes, renal function, endocrinology, therapeutic drug monitoring and toxicity.

U 462 Clinical Laboratory I 1 cr. Offered summer. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. Theory and practice of phlebotomy in the clinical setting, specimen processing, review of state and federal regulations, safety and biohazard compliance, interpersonal relationship skills.

U 463 Clinical Hemostasis 2 cr. Offered summer. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. Physiological mechanisms of normal human hemostasis as well as hereditary and acquired bleeding and thrombotic defects are discussed. Laboratory techniques for obtaining blood, screening procedures, specific assays and procedures to monitor anticoagulant therapy.

U 465 Clinical Body Fluids 1 cr. Offered summer. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. Body fluid physiology, pathology, laboratory measurement and case study analysis. Focus on laboratory technologies, principles of operation of various laboratory instruments and quality management in the clinical setting.

U 470 Clinical Immunohematology II 2 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. Techniques and modern transfusion practices at the clinical affiliate. Review of the basic and advanced information in blood banking with correlation between laboratory testing and patient care.

U 471 Clinical Chemistry I 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. Applied theory and practice in clinical chemistry at the clinical affiliate. Review of the basic and advanced information in clinical chemistry with correlation between laboratory testing and patient care.

U 474 Clinical Microbiology I 2 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. Techniques and practices in clinical microbiology at the clinical affiliate. Psychomotor skills, performance and understanding of the procedure methodologies, along with the relationship of test results to the patient disease/care.

U 475 Clinical Laboratory III 1 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. Observation, practice or research in specialized areas or settings at the clinical affiliate.

U 476 Clinical Immunology 1 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. Applied theory and practice in clinical immunology and serology at the clinical affiliate.

U 480 Financial and Quality Management of the Clinical Laboratory 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. A capstone course designed to provide senior CLS students with the skills to manage a clinical laboratory. Brings together previous content with a focus on laboratory profitability, quality management and quality improvement.

U 482 Clinical Immunohematology III 2 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. Techniques and modern transfusion practices at the clinical affiliate. Psychomotor skills, performance and understanding of the procedure methodologies, along with the relationship of test results to the patient disease/care.

U 483 Clinical Hematology II 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. Techniques and practices in clinical hematology at the clinical affiliate. Psychomotor skills, performance and understanding of the procedure methodologies, along with the relationship of test results to the patient disease/care.

U 485 Clinical Microbiology II 2 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., consent of medical technology advisor. Techniques and practices in clinical microbiology at the clinical affiliate. Psychomotor skills, performance and understanding of the procedure methodologies, along with the relationship of test results to the patient disease/care. 041b061a72


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